
Marine Resource Education Program

By fishermen, for fishermen

The Marine Resource Education Program (MREP) empowers fishermen with better understanding of how, when, and where to engage effectively in fisheries science and management. MREP workshops are guided by local industry members, ensuring regional relevance for fishermen attendees.

MREP Goals:

  • Empower fishermen so they can participate effectively in complex fisheries science and management processes.
  • Create avenues for scientists and managers to learn from fishermen who have unique insights into the fisheries they are familiar with.
  • Provide opportunities to build trust between fishermen, scientists, and management.
  • Focus on the distinct challenges that fisheries face in different regions.

"An excellent program that should be considered by anyone whose livelihood comes from the ocean... truly one of a kind.

MREP workshop participant

Founded in 2003 by two Maine fishermen, MREP remains a neutral platform by and for fishermen who seek to effectively contribute to complex fisheries science and management processes. The program has expanded to the Southeast, Caribbean, and Pacific coast, and in each region, MREP is guided by regional leaders who ensure it is regionally relevant and evolves as new challenges arise in the fisheries. Across all regions, much is at stake for these fishermen as they work to build sustainable, resilient fisheries in the face of evolving challenges.

We bring commercial, charter, and recreational fishermen together with scientists, managers, and other marine resource professionals in a 2-part workshop series where MREP participants have opportunities to:

  • Learn the nuts and bolts of fisheries science and management processes.
  • Demystify the acronyms and vocabulary used in fisheries science and management.
  • Gain tools and insights into engaging effectively in federal fisheries management.
  • Connect with key regional science center experts and fishery managers.

MREP Participant Site

Almost two decades after its founding, MREP continues to lead workshops that give fishermen the tools they need to contribute more effectively to fisheries science and management processes. Learn more about the history of the program and how to apply to one of their regional MREP workshops at the MREP Participant Site.

"A fun and engaging workshop filled with so much relevant information... I have a better understanding of how, when, and where to engage effectively in fishery management.

MREP workshop participant

Workshop Photos

People sit around a rectangle of tables in a large room.
People are sitting at a long table in a large carpeted room.
Six workshop participants are standing and sitting in a line in a large carpeted room.

U.S. Regional Fishery Management Councils

This is a map with different regions of the US filled in with a variety of colors.

Program Team

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    MREP in Puerto Rico

    In August, our Marine Resource Education Program (MREP) team headed to La Parguera, Puerto Rico to host a three-day workshop for a mix of recreational, …


  • A Year of Convening Emerging Fishery Leaders

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  • Marine Resource Education Program Goes West

    Marine Resource Education Program Goes West

    In August of 2016, the Marine Resource Education Program (MREP) team hosted their first fisheries science workshop on the West Coast.
