New: Research Experience for Undergrads
Tidings | Apr 20, 2020

For over a decade, college students have participated in our robust summer intern program. Thanks to new funding from the National Science Foundation, we’re excited to launch an all-new Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), entitled Integrated Studies in a Rapidly Warming Fishery Ecosystem. We’ll join a network of 829 REU sites around the country, providing first-class training and mentoring to undergraduate students.
"One of the foremost challenges of our times is to understand the impacts of climate change on our coupled natural and human systems,” said Research Scientist and REU program leader Dr. Graham Sherwood. “We’re excited to invite undergraduate students to take part in this work.”
The program will pair six student interns with mentors from our research team who are engaged in a broad range of ecosystem and oceanographic studies. In consultation with their mentors, students will design and conduct a 10-week intensive, independent research project in an area of interest.
At the end of the summer, students will present their findings at an in-house symposium, drawing on analysis and communication skills honed throughout the summer.
Learn more about this new opportunity and apply today.