Voices of the Gulf of Maine: The Educator

Voices of the Gulf of Maine | Jun 24, 2016

This installment of the "Voices of the Gulf of Maine" series focuses on Shapleigh School teacher Peter Cady, and the importance of hands-on education.

Teachers have a truly powerful role in inspiring our next generation of scientists, leaders, and environmental stewards. We would not have the impact we do on young learners without the commitment, dedication, and creativity of Maine’s educators.

Like us, Shapleigh School teacher Peter Cady believes in the potential of hands-on exploration to spark kids’ interest in science.

This video demonstrates Peter’s passion for education, and how GMRI has helped him provide hands-on, minds-on science learning for his students.

As Peter says, “Science is an act of doing, not something we read about. They remember what they’ve directly observed and gotten their hands dirty with.”

We are honored to support teachers across the state in making science learning a dynamic, hands-on experience with our LabVenture andVital Signs programs.

About This Series

Whether you're a teacher or a lobsterman, a restaurateur or a scientist — we all have our own unique connection to the Gulf of Maine. In this video series, we invite you to meet some of our closest partners in our shared effort to support the economic and ecological sustainability of this resource. As these individuals share their passion for the ocean and connection to GMRI, we invite you to reflect as well.