
Integrating Climate Impacts into Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Stock Assessment

What is happening to giant bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Maine?

Our project is examining atmospheric and oceanographic changes that may have impacted the distribution of giant bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Maine. This information is critical to understanding whether or not declines in landings equate to declines in population abundance, or if those declines represent distribution shifts. It is important to identify which is the case, because these two outcomes have very different assessment and management implications.

Research Goals:

  • Evaluate the spatial and temporal scale at which environmental drivers influence Atlantic bluefin tuna catch rates in U.S. and Canadian waters.
  • Standardize U.S. and Canadian indices of bluefin abundance.
  • Integrate environmentally-adjusted catch rate indices and environmental indicators into the western bluefin tuna stock assessment models.

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